Financial Performance Based On Profitability, Solvency And Its Impact On The Stock Price Of Companies Listed In The Mining Sector At Indonesia Stock Exchange From Year 2006-2014


  • Francis M. Hutabarat Universitas Advent Indonesia
  • Devina Tarigan Universitas Advent Indonesia


The research is a result of the need for the Indonesian people to strive for greater financial security through investment awareness. To achieve financial security, the public must be knowledgeable of various forms of investing. Investing in stocks is a popular and profitable option for interest investors. A clear understanding of stock investment is required for investors seeking optimal benefits from their investment. The study will use historical data, ROA, ROE, NPM, CR, DTA, DTE, and stock prices from period of 2006-2014 to evaluate and value selected stock of four companies listed in the mining sector at Indonesia Stock Exchange. The purpose of the study is to explore financial performance based on profitability, liquidity, solvency and its impact towrads stock price at mining companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange from year 2006-2014. Method used in the study is descriptive. F-test and ttest were used to determine significant level of relationship between variables. The results of the study shows that there is no significant relationship both simultaneously and partially between financial ratios such as: GPM, NPM, ROA, ROE, CR, DTA, DTE and stock price of PT. Timah Tbk, PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk, and PT. Bukit Asam, respectively.
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How to Cite

Hutabarat, F. M., & Tarigan, D. (2016). Financial Performance Based On Profitability, Solvency And Its Impact On The Stock Price Of Companies Listed In The Mining Sector At Indonesia Stock Exchange From Year 2006-2014. Journal of International Scholars Conference - BUSINESS & GOVERNANCE, 1(3). Retrieved from