Administrators’ Leadership Behavior, Psychological Needs Satisfaction And Team Effectiveness Among Ministers


  • Amelia L. Soriano Central Luzon Conference,
  • Wealthy C. Estrada Manila Adventist College


This study determined the administrators’ leadership behaviour, psychological needs satisfaction and team effectiveness among ministers. Demographic variables such as position, age, educational attainment and length of service were considered as demographic variables. The study used the descriptive-correlational design using 246 respondents. The respondents perceived the leadership behaviour of the administrators at a high level. The level of psychological needs satisfaction was also high. Team effectiveness as perceived by the respondents was also high. Results showed a positive correlation between leadership behaviour in terms of directive, participative, supportive and achievement-oriented leadership to team effectiveness. Likewise, psychological needs satisfaction in terms of love and belongingness, power, freedom and fun had positive correlation to team effectiveness. The best predictor of team effectiveness was achievement-oriented leadership. When moderator variables were considered, educational attainment predicted team effectiveness. The lower the educational attainment, the better was them effectiveness of the minister.
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How to Cite

Soriano, A. L., & Estrada, W. C. (2016). Administrators’ Leadership Behavior, Psychological Needs Satisfaction And Team Effectiveness Among Ministers. Journal of International Scholars Conference - EDUCATION/SOCIAL SCIENCES, 1(2), 16-22. Retrieved from