Jurnal Koinonia: Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Advent Indonesia https://jurnal.unai.edu/index.php/koinonia <p><strong>Jurnal Koinonia : Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Advent Indonesia</strong> is managed by the Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Advent Indonesia, which is published twice a year, in June and December. This journal was first operating online in June 2013.</p> <p>We invite you to submit your articles/research in this Journal. The submission of articles in this journal is divided into two parts. First, articles that are expected to be published in June must be submitted no later than April the second week. Second, articles that are expected to be published in December are expected to be submitted in October the third week.</p> <p>All articles in this journal will be processed by editorial through the Online Journal System (OJS), and authors can follow the whole process on member login.</p> Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Advent Indonesia en-US Jurnal Koinonia: Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Advent Indonesia 2086-0935 Mission Theology of Worship: A Framework in Reaching the Postmodern Generation in Jakarta, Indonesia https://jurnal.unai.edu/index.php/koinonia/article/view/3263 <p>The rise of postmodern influence in Jakarta triggers a change of perspective among the younger generation which is contrary to the core values of older generations.&nbsp; However, the Adventist church members adopted a rigid form of worship theology that hindered a more flexible evangelistic approach in reaching postmodern generation. This attitude toward worship signifies a perplexing theological and practical problem that need to be addressed to make the gospel more relevant to the current generations. In order to address this issue, it is necessary to develop a mission theology of worship that enables the church to reach more effectively the younger generation who has been influenced by postmodern worldview. To discover the answer, the researcher utilizes library research. First, the researcher will explore the biblical understanding of worship, and from there, establish a mission application of worship in context by analyzing the socio-cultural aspects of Jakarta. From there, the researcher shall develop a contextual theology for worship which specifically design for the postmodern generation in Jakarta.</p> Yoanes Sinaga Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Koinonia: Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Advent Indonesia 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 15 2 1 31 10.35974/koinonia.v15i2.3263 The Significance of חוה in the Book of Joshua: A Theological Examination https://jurnal.unai.edu/index.php/koinonia/article/view/3280 <div> <p class="TTPKeywords">This paper undertakes a comprehensive exploration of the term "<span dir="RTL" lang="HE">חוה</span>" in the Book of Joshua, delving into two pivotal passages: Joshua 5:13-15 and Joshua 23. The study employs exegetical approaches, incorporating historical, literary, lexical, and syntactical analyses, to <span lang="EN-US">elucidate</span> the theological implications inherent in the utilization of this term. In Joshua 5:13-15, the encounter between Joshua and the commander of the army of the Lord serves as a climactic moment in the narrative, symbolizing the apex of Israel's worship during their entry into the Promised Land. <span lang="EN-US">T</span>he theological implications drawn from Joshua's worship experience serve as foundational principles that guide and inform the nature and essence of Biblical worship, highlighting its responsive, transformative, and reverential dimensions.<span lang="EN-US"> On the other hand, the </span><span lang="EN-US">t</span>heological implications drawn from Joshua's farewell address highlight Biblical worship as a responsive act grounded in God's faithfulness, connected to the covenantal relationship, and exclusively directed towards God. The avoidance of evil associations, close relationship with God, and the ongoing cultivation of love emerge as essential components of meaningful Biblical worship.</p> </div> Melak Tsegaw Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Koinonia: Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Advent Indonesia 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 15 2 46 57 10.35974/koinonia.v15i2.3280 Exegesis and Linguistic Analysis of Isaiah 1:1-20: The Potential for Resolving Church Conflicts https://jurnal.unai.edu/index.php/koinonia/article/view/3283 <p>This essay delves into the enduring celestial struggle portrayed in Isaiah 1:1-20, examining its representation of the cosmic conflict between God and Satan and its broader implications for the theme of the battle between good and evil in biblical narratives. Sin and iniquity, pervasive issues affecting both Judah and humanity, underscore the critical role of repentance in the ongoing struggle for human allegiance. The interplay of God's justice and mercy, evident in Verse 17, highlights His divine nature and willingness to redeem despite human sinfulness. The invitation extended by God in verses 18-20 emphasizes the transformative power of repentance, illustrating His earnest desire for a genuine relationship with His people.This analysis adopts a literary and linguistic approach, following a structured method encompassing introduction, delimitation, textual analysis, translation, theme exploration, context examination, theological implications, and conclusion. The study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Isaiah 1:1-20, emphasizing its relevance to the Great Controversy and its implications for human reconciliation with God.In conclusion, Isaiah 1:1-20, viewed through the lens of the Great Controversy, offers insights into resolving ecclesiastical conflicts by highlighting the consequences of spiritual deviation, the significance of sincere repentance, and the possibility of restoration through God's grace. The essay encourages self-reflection, acknowledges the detrimental effects of straying from spiritual principles, and promotes optimism by emphasizing the potential for restoration. Ultimately, it provides a robust foundation for effectively resolving conflicts in alignment with divine intentions for humanity, offering valuable perspectives for navigating ecclesiastical disputes towards reconciliation, absolution, and peaceful cohabitation.</p> Demen Terius Marbun Exson Eduaman Pane Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Koinonia: Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Advent Indonesia 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 15 2 58 81 10.35974/koinonia.v15i2.3283 Menno Simons: A Cross-Denominational Legacy - Influences on Mennonite, Baptist, Methodist, and Adventist Church https://jurnal.unai.edu/index.php/koinonia/article/view/3286 <p>The journal delves into the life and teachings of Menno Simons, a pivotal but often overlooked figure in the 16th-century Anabaptist movement. Despite not achieving the same prominence as contemporaries like Luther and Calvin, Simons significantly influenced the trajectories of Mennonite and related denominations. The study meticulously examines Simons' theological contributions, focusing on his ethical framework promoting responsible material possession use.Simons' bold decision to join the Anabaptist movement marked a stride towards religious freedom, leaving a lasting impact on Mennonite doctrinal development. The journal explores the interplay between Simons' teachings and his indirect influence on the Seventh-day Adventist Church, shedding light on his roles as a theologian, author, and educator. Through historical analysis and primary sources, it navigates Simons' life, emphasizing his early years, religious journey, and contributions.Comparing Simons' legacy across denominations like Mennonite, Baptist, Methodist, and Adventist, the study highlights commonalities and divergences in incorporating his teachings, especially regarding baptism, the Trinity, and Scripture. The journal underscores Simons' impact on various religions, causing concerns for the Holy Roman Emperor and leading to departures from the Roman Catholic Church.&nbsp;Detailed exploration of Simons' teachings and their subsequent influence on different denominations is provided, with a particular emphasis on his impact on baptism, the Trinity, and Scripture. Despite some shared beliefs, the study notes distinctions between Menno Simons' teachings and those of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The exploration concludes by thoroughly examining Simons' lasting impact on Christian traditions, his influence on the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and his broader theological legacy, offering a nuanced perspective on his contributions and highlighting his courageous stand for religious freedom.</p> Exson Eduaman Pane Ferin Krisminanto Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Koinonia: Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Advent Indonesia 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 15 2 32 45 10.35974/koinonia.v15i2.3286