Jurnal Marturia 2017-08-08T18:17:40+07:00 Raymond Maulany Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Marturia ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang berupa Ilmu Filsafat, issu-issu Teologi dan juga informasi informasi yang terjadi dilapangan yang dapat memberikan kemajuan dan pengembangan didalam kebutuhan para dunia scholar. Demikian juga melalui Jurnal ini untuk menyediakan forum terbuka melalui adanya pertukaran informasi ide-ide yang berdasarkan penelitian secara professional melalui teory dan practical. Jurnal Marturia menerima kontribusi dari para dosen, praktisi dan yang terlibat didalam ilmu filsafat dan teologi secara nasional dan internasional sebagaimana sumbangsi ide-ide yang baru yang akan diberikan melalui penulisan didalam Jurnal Marturia kepada kebutuhan masyarakat.</p> ANALISIS PERSEPSI ANGGOTA JEMAAT WILAYAH 13 TENTANG PENGARUH PERLAWATAN GEMBALA TERHADAP KETERLIBATAN JEMAAT DALAM PELAYANAN DI GEREJA MASEHI ADVENT HARI KETUJUH BERDASARKAN MAZMUR 23:1-4 2017-08-08T17:33:45+07:00 Jekson Panjaitan Marlinda Siahaan <p><em>The life of God's people is the same as in ancient times. They long to keep God's shepherd along the way of their lives. The people of God long to be constantly visited by God through pastors who are entrusted to shepherd them, both in joy, especially when they are in sorrow. When a pastor makes a visit to God's people, they feel there is a diminishing burden in their lives. The people of God believe that there is a new spirit for them, whether in the service of the household, or in the church worship. They believe the prayer that a priest shows through the care done to their home, is very big in every life. The purpose of this study is first, it is hoped that the pastors of the congregation know what the members expect of their shepherd, especially in terms of shepherding and evangelism. Secondly, so that the results of this study can be input to other pastoral colleagues, that each congregation is keen to keep the shepherd focus on pastoral ministry and evangelism. Third, to see the attendance of members in every event, both at church and outside church. Fourth, to inform the readers that the results of this study can be applied to members of the Seventh-day Adventist church especially in the 13 DKI Jakarta and surrounding areas, and for all members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in general. The researcher on the theoretical basis below will describe biblical theology of Psalms 23: 1-4 on the influence of shepherding care on church involvement in ministry in the church according to the views of GMAHK members in the 13 Jakarta area. Psalm 23 is sourced from David in the inspiration and inspiration of the Holy Spirit who leads and guides David to reveal God's care and care. God faithfully always accompany him because David is very valuable and made the object of God's love. He cares for David like a father who cares for his children and is like a shepherd to his sheep. It can be concluded that this Psalm 23 is a composition or writings of King David. He reveals God's work on his life and the personal relationship with God described as the shepherd's relationship with his pastoral sheep. The pastor of the congregation must bury his congregation on the basis of firm trust in God, and now is the time to consolidate them in their faith in God so that they will not be easily swayed by false teachings, for they have known for certain which doctrine is true and where the teachings are false. The pastor of the congregation is "the representatives whom He determined to cooperate with the tools of heaven to advance the work of Christ in this world." A shepherd of the shepherd must work in the service of the people of God in accordance with the rules set by God himself. He cannot shepherd the people who are under his supervision at will, for he is not the owner of the people, but Christ is the owner, for He has redeemed them from the wages of sin, eternal death. In practice the shepherd's work is the same as the shepherd of the congregation. Jesus says I am the good shepherd and the words of Jesus are not only in speech but in practice as well. These words of Jesus are evident from the first ministry to death, He never neglects what He can do to help and save the souls of men who long to be saved. Based on the library survey that has been described, the authors found that: First, members of the congregation expect that the pastor is more focused on the treatment, but found they are not satisfied with the care done by the pastor. Secondly, is there any significant influence between the pastor's craft visit with the increasing interest of congregation members to evangelize. Third, members of the congregation expect the pastor of the congregation to set an example of good ministry in every worship in order to influence members to be active in every worship. Sampling technique by random cluster sampling, ie sampling by selecting members of the church from each church proportionally from the 13 DKI Jakarta and its surrounding Conferences. The number of respondents who have filled in questionnaires from no 1-25 items about 243 people. Analysis is needed to determine whether data analysis for testing can proceed or not. Some data analysis techniques require test requirements analysis. Data collection methods, as described by Sproul cited by Subagyo, are four, namely: 1) interview method, 2) administration, 3) inspectors, 4) observations, 5) and examination of documents or objects. As for quantitative research, this method of data collection uses the administration of questionnaire instruments. Data collection techniques based on the Likert scale model, to measure attitudes, opinions, and assumptions of a person or group of people about symptoms or social phenomena. With this Likert Scale the variables to be measured are translated into indicator variables, which become the basis of reference to prepare statement items.</em></p> <p><em>The conclusion of this research is first, the results of statistical descriptive indicate that the pastoral care of the congregation greatly affects the presence of members in the Church and so it indicates that the more often the pastor visited, then it affects the growing spirituality of members, especially the spirituality of the elders of the congregation so that the elders of the congregation More actively serving in every church activity so that worship in the church is more alive. Second, the congregation strongly agrees that when the pastor diligently visits the members, the more souls will be taught so that there is an influence of the pastoral care of the congregation on the readiness of the members for the second coming of Jesus. Third, the example of the pastor's pastor's life can increase the activity of the members in ministry and the pastor exemplifies the correct way of ministry in the church so that the influence of the pastoral care of the congregation in the 13 districts of DKI Jakarta &amp; Surrounding to make the congregation more diligent to come to church as evidence of the church's revival. Fourth, there are still some members who do not fully believe that if they are active in the ministry, the more blessed the Lord will be because of the members of the congregation who are not satisfied with the care done by a pastor of the congregation. Fifthly, there are still some members of the congregation who doubt the prayers of a more powerful pastor than the prayers of the members of the congregation so that members of the congregation have not been blessed through the ministry of the word delivered by the pastor of his congregation.</em></p> <p><em>The suggestion in this study is that the congregation should focus on ministry primarily to increase pastoralism and evangelism so that the influence of shepherding care on church involvement in ministry based on Psalm 23: 1-4 is increasing. The implication of this research is that the life of God's people longs to keep the shepherd of God along the way of their lives. The people of God long to be constantly visited by God through pastors who are entrusted to shepherd them, both in joy, especially when they are in sorrow. When a pastor makes a visit to God's people, they feel there is a diminishing burden in their lives. The people of God believe that there is a new spirit for them, whether in the service of the household, or in the church worship. They believe the prayer that a priest shows through the care done to their home, is very big in every life.</em></p> 2017-07-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) ANALISIS PENGARUH DOA PRIBADI TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN KEGIATAN ROHANI JEMAAT DI WILAYAH 3 GEREJA MASEHI ADVENT HARI KETUJUH KONFERENS DKI JAKARTA DAN SEKITARNYA BERDASARKAN EFESUS 3:18 2017-08-08T17:38:34+07:00 Sahat Simbolon Bartholomeus D Nainggolan <p><em>Analysis of the effect of personal prayer on the growth of the spiritual activities of the congregation in the three conferences of DKI Jakarta &amp; its surroundings based on Ephesians 3:18.</em><em> </em><em>The key words: Effect, Prayer, Growth, and Spiritual Activities. Prayer is the breath of human life, this is an expression of the importance of prayer, which can not be separated in human life. The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the importance of prayer. The Apostle Paul wrote "keep praying" (1 Thessalonians 5:17), "continue in prayer (Colossians 4: 2) .The prayer gives each person a spiritual life, prayer gives power to each person and brings a close heart to God.</em><em> </em><em>Research on the Influence of Personal Prayer on Growing Spiritual Activity of the Church in 3 Conferences Region of DKI Jakarta &amp; surrounding Based on Ephesians 3:18, it is necessary considering the importance of involvement of all members in spiritual activities in the congregation, especially in evangelism. The importance of prayer, then each member should pay special attention to personal prayer and fellowship prayer, so that a study of the effect of Personal Prayer, which will explain; Personal Prayer is the power of God to carry out all the rules and activities that the Christian soul is concerned with, neglecting personal prayer will keep the spiritual life from growing, and the personal prayer of the church leader will have a good influence in the spiritual growth of the members of the congregation. Many Christians are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church who are less aware of the importance of personal prayer, so as not to experience the growth of members' involvement in the spiritual activities of the congregation such as the Sabbath, Adventist Youth services, evening worship services, Care Group, morning prayer, Holy Communion, and Close the Sabbath, even tend to decline.</em><em> </em><em>The study was held in the three conferences of DKI Jakarta and its environment, with the aim of knowing the extent to which members of the congregation's understanding of the Influence of Personal Prayer is the power of God to carry out all the rules and activities that are spiritual concerning Christians, neglecting private prayer will make the spiritual life not grow and The personal prayers of the church leaders will have a good effect on the spiritual growth of church members. The method that is used in this study is quantitative research, and data collection tool used in the form of a questionnaire to measure the Effect of Personal Prayer on Growing Spiritual Activity of the Church Based on Ephesians 3: 18. The results show that there is a relationship between the growth of the Spiritual Activity of the Church to Perseverance of Personal Prayer based on Ephesians 3:18, with a percentage of 93, 7%. The Effect of Personal Prayer on the Growth of Spiritual Activity The congregation is evidenced by an understanding of the importance of personal prayer of a church leader; Prayer as the power of God and its consequences neglects the prayer of spiritual growth.</em><em> </em><em>The lowest understanding is the point of statement about the number 12 with the smallest total score of 2.66, it indicates that every respondent in the region 3 conference DKI Jakarta, rarely follow or attend the prayer at dawn prayer or prayer held by church. This should be a serious concern through the role of the pastor of the church to appeal and give a good understanding of the importance of the Personal Prayer, as well as attending the dawn prayer or evening prayer.</em><em> </em><em>The final part is the conclusion of the analysis of field research, suggestions and implications that can be applied and well understood about the importance of Personal Prayer on the Growth of Spiritual Activities of the congregation in the region 3 conference DKI Jakarta and its surroundings.</em></p> 2017-07-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) PEMAHAMAN ANGGOTA GEREJA MASEHI ADVENT HARI KETUJUH TERHADAP PERATURAN DAN PENDISIPLINAN ANGGOTA YANG BERSALAH BERDASARKAN MATIUS 18:15-18 DI WILAYAH XII KONFERENS DKI JAKARTA DAN SEKITARNYA 2017-08-08T17:50:58+07:00 Ucok Steven Marbun Alvyn Hendriks <em>This thesis begins with explanation about background of The Understanding Of Seventh Day Adventist Church Member About The Rule And Discipline For The Guilty Church Member According To Matthew 18 : 15-18 In Region XII Of Jakarta Conference And Vinicity. The key words are: Rule and Discipline. The discussion about The Rule and Discipline for Church Member is very relevant for the church’s condition nowadays, because there are many churches or church members are separated because of not applying the rule and discipline inside the church. Nowadays the churches rarely monitor, warn and guide the sinned member to repent and being back to God. Even the church that hardly maintain in submitting or telling God’s words faithfully often get weak in applying the discipline or punishment. Those kinds of church generally give reason that applying discipline inside the church will bring the bad consequences or result for the members who did mistakes, they will be offended and leave the church. Some people think that there’s no strong reason to punish someone just because doing a little sin, particularly if the mistaken one is a well known, rich and powerful church member. The church is not willing to punish or apply discipline for them because of worrying they will move to other church. The important of applying rule and discipline is to be a tool for improving the spirituality growth so it will motivate the other church member to pay attention to reprimanded or warn “them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men” (1 Thessalonians 5:14). So, the purpose of applying discipline is: First, saving the church (1 Corinthians 5:5). Second, saving the sinner (1 Corinthians 5:2, 5). Jesus gave the method to reprimand or warn the mistaken persons or those who doesn’t obey God’s command, in Matthew 18:15 18 is written the concrete rules about herding especially for the guilty or mistaken member. By : First, reprimanding or warning to make every one responsible for each other (1 Thessalonians 5:11, 14 it’s edify or admonish, esteeming and comfort each other). Second, eyes to eyes means without any witness, for reaching back our guilty brothers. Third, two or three people, if the second way doesn’t succeed, we may ask one or two more people as witnesses. Here, the witness is for “discussion partner”, which means a person who helps the discussion to run well with the brotherhood spirit of solidarity. Fourth, if the reprimanding or warning with the witnesses doesn’t succeed, bring the problem to all the church member / church. Fifth, look at the mistaken person as a person who doesn’t know about God, this means, the person should be considered as an unbeliever and he should be excommunicated. But it doesn’t mean we should excommunicated all of his life, we should keep praying for him because the purpose of applying discipline or punishment is not to destroy his faith but to make him back to God. The research was conducted at Seventh Day Adventist Churches In Region XII Of Jakarta Conference And Vinicity, with purpose is to know how far the understanding of the church members about the important of the rule and discipline for the guilty / mistaken member, and how far the church members and elders understand that the base or foundation of the rule and discipline is actually God’s Love to keep the holiness of God’s church and also how many member who applies the rule and discipline well to improve the church’s growth. The method that was used for this research is quantitative, and the tool that was used to collect data is questionnaire to measure The Understanding Of Seventh Day Adventist Church Member About The Rule And Discipline For The Guilty Church Member According To Matthew 18 : 15-18 In Region XII Of Jakarta Conference And Vinicity. The result of research shows that “Rule and Discipline Improve The Spirituality” (X1), toward “Rule and Discipline is The Reflection of God’s Love” (X2), toward “Giving Advice and Reprimanded Well” (X3), the conclusion and abstract of this thesis, writer will present the result of research analysis as a reality from respondents’ answer, the application is presented in three (3) parts as follows: The survey result from 150 respondents who answered each question on the questionnaire, founded that the lowest understanding is at question number 10 with average score 3.48, it means that many church members haven’t understood yet about the importance of rule and discipline for the guilty member. This thing should be a serious attention through the role of Pastor and elders of the church to motivate every church member for the spirituality growth in God’s way. The result of research also presents that from all the variables as follow: First, Rule and Discipline Improve Spirituality, it gave score toward the questionnaire which point is 3.99. It means entirely, the average respondent agree that Rule and Discipline Improve Spirituality. Second, Rule and Discipline is the reflection of God’s Love, it gave score toward questionnaire which point is 3.96. It means entirely, the average respondent agree that Rule and Discipline is the reflection of God’s Love. Third, Giving Advice and Reprimanded Well, it gave score toward questionnaire which point is 4.16. It means entirely, the average respondent agree for Giving Advice and Reprimanded Well. So we may conclude that The Understanding Of Seventh Day Adventist Church Member About The Rule And Discipline For The Guilty Church Member According To Matthew 18 : 15-18 In Region XII Of Jakarta Conference And Vinicity, with total average score is 4.03, it means that they agree that Understanding Of Seventh Day Adventist Church Member About The Rule And Discipline For The Guilty Church Member According To Matthew 18 : 15-18 In Region XII Of Jakarta Conference And Vinicity. The last part is a conclusion of research analyst from field research, implication and suggestion which can be applied for every church member to understand the importance of the rule and discipline for the guilty member for the spirituality growth.</em> 2017-07-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) ANALISIS TEOLOGIS PEMAHAMAN DAN PENERAPAN ORANG TUA TERHADAP MAKNA “JANGANLAH BANGKITKAN AMARAH DI DALAM HATI ANAK-ANAKMU” BERDASARKAN EFESUS 6:4 DI GEREJA MASEHI ADVENT HARI KETUJUH JEMAAT PALEM SEMI DAN JEMAAT MAKARIOS KONFERENS DKI JAKARTA 2017-08-08T17:56:39+07:00 Elisa Elthon Tannu Reymand Hutabarat <em>This research is motivated by the violent behavior toward children that is happening and is sweeping to the family of God's people. In response to this issue, the Seventh-day Adventist Church worldwide has launched a program called "Endit Now" (Adventists Say No to Violance). The authors highlighted the potential indication of violence in educating childrens in the Seventh-day Adventist Church of the Palem and Makarios and conducted a random initial research of 40 respondents. The questionnaire results show that the total negative answer is 36.3%. This data is determined by the author to be the initial hypothesis of this problem. This research presents the theoretical foundation based on "Theological Analysis of Understanding and Application of Parents to Mean "provoke not your children to wrath" Based on Ephesians 6: 4. The author highlights the violent behavior of educating childrens in family members of the congregation and its forms, its potential relevance to be avoided by parents to carry out the task of educating children according to the counsel and teachings of God. The research method describes, understanding and applying the Parents to the meaning, "provoke not your children to wrath" based on Ephesians 6: 4 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Palem Semi and Makarios, Jakarta Conference, in four variables: Against the Competence of Parent Understanding (X1); Against the Competence of Influencing Factors (X2); Against the Competence of Parent Application in Child Care (X3); Against the Quality Competence of People Results in Child Care (X4). The conclusion and the core purpose of this writing as a result of research analysis of respondents' answers that appear in four parts as follows: First, the results of the variable description test X1 (Correct Biblical Understanding of Ephesians 6: 4), found the answers of respondents with a score of 4.38 or 87.6%. This means that the reality of respondents answer pertained category agree. But in the statement number 5 (We rely on the attitude of patience in educating and nurturing our children) has the lowest answer with a score of 3.85 or 77%, then the remaining 23% is the potential for impatience of parents in educating children.Second, the result of the test of description of variable X2 (factors causing violence affecting parents in educating children), found the result of respondent answer with score 3.57 or 71.4%. This means the reality of respondents' answers to variable X2 is classified in the category agreed 71.4% that the factors that cause violence that affect parents in educating children. A very small percentage of the average is 28.6% who say disagree means not affected by factors that cause violence in the care of their childrens.Third, the results of the X3 variable description test (parents apply the responsibility of God to educate their children), found the answer of the average respondents with a score of 4.32 or 86.4%. This means that the reality of the respondent's answer to the variable X3 is categorized as agreed. But in the statement number 22 (We never discriminate the children with one another) found the lowest answer with a score of 4.02 or 80%, then the remaining answer 20% is the potential to distinguish the child-one with another. Fourth, the result of the X4 variable description test (parental care quality of the children), found Results of respondents' answers with a score of 4.13 or 82.6%. This means the reality of respondents' answers to the variable X4 is classified in the category agree. However, in the statement number 35 (Our children were diligently praying and worshiping) the lowest answer was found with a score of 3.95 or 79%, then the remaining 31% of parents did not find their children persistently praying and worshiping, as a potential lack of quality outcomes Old to his children. The conclusion of all respondents' answers to the variables X1, X2, X3, X4, find the score is 4.13 or 71.3%. This means that the respondent's answer about the Understanding and Application of Parents to mean "provoke not your children to wrath” based on Ephesians 6: 4 on average is agreed. But there are potentials of parental violence in parenting children on the remaining respondent's answer that states do not agree that is 28.7%.</em> 2017-07-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) ANALISIS PEMAHAMAN ANGGOTA JEMAAT PAKUSARAKAN TENTANG MENGEMBALIKAN PERSEMBAHAN PERSEPULUHAN KE RUMAH PERBENDAHARAAN TUHAN MENURUT MALEAKHI 3:10 2017-08-08T18:11:41+07:00 Benry Pandiangan Stimson Hutagalung <p><em>Tithes should be brought into the storehouse of God (the church), but there are some members of the Seventh-day Adventists do not follow the standards of faith, but they use, manage, put on with the reason for the ministry of evangelism. By using the Bible verse Deuteronomy 14: 23,26: In front of the Lord your God will place that He chose to make his name dwell there, you shall eat the tithe of your grain, new wine, and olive oil, and the firstborn of an ox herds and flocks, so that you may learn to fear the Lord your God. And thou shalt bestow that money for everything in love heart for oxen or sheep, for wine or strong drink, or whatever you desire, and thou shalt eat there before the Lord your God and rejoice you and your household. In the sphere of Christian life and charity the problem of stewardship plays a large and important role. Every believer has a special interest in this matter. Our willingness and our willingness to acknowledge God as King and Owner of all possessions, and the willingness of God to grant His blessings to us, including our understanding of the principles, the closer we are to the understanding of the way God's love and gifts God works within us. A committee set up by the church in 1998 to investigate this group "was observed in a conversation with Hope International and colleagues that they affirmed the agreement on many key elements of the Seventh Day of the Adventist faith, but the method they used to express their concerns has resulted in what Considered by many to be the spirit of constant criticism aimed at the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The tithe offerings are applied to His people not because God is deprived so that God expects the tithing offerings of each of His people. The congregation must realize that everything belongs to God, it is said in (Ps. 24: 1) that God is the owner of the earth and all its contents. And the world and the dwelling in it. Seventh-day Adventist Church has a number of supporters, church, independent, self-contained and other organizations as an additional work or in connection with the official church. One of the authors estimated their number at more than 800 and most of the support of the church, though different ministries may be critical of the actions of the church. A committee set up by the church in 1998 to investigate the group "was observed in conversations with Hope International and associates that they affirmed agreement on many key elements of the Seventh-day Adventist faith. However, the methods they use to express their concerns have resulted in what considered by many to be the spirit of constant criticism directed against the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The purpose of writing and research that will be done this is the first, to give an understanding of giving tithes into the storehouse. Second, analyze the understanding of the Church members Pakusarakan about bringing tithes according Malachi 3:10. Third, to examine the kinds of tithe in the Bible. Fourth, to provide insight to members of the Church Pakusarakan that the tithe belongs to God. Fifth, to teach members of the Church Pakusarakan, who has the right to manage, use the tithe? And sixth, to increase the loyalty of members of the Church Pakusarakan in giving tithes. The book of Malachi is one of the books The Old Testament is included in the book of the little prophets. This book is the last book in the Old Testament. The book of Malachi is also the last book of the small prophets. This causes Malachi to be regarded as the last voice in the Old Testament. Traditionally, the Book is believed to have been written by a man named Malachi.</em></p> <p><em>The scriptures teach that God, as The provision of our needs, has a part in it all. Then its part must be our first thought; And a special blessing will accompany all those who honor this guidance. God has given instructions on how to use the tithe, He does not want His work to be crippled because of lack of cost, so there is no job congestion and mistakes. He has established our duty in this very clearly. The part that God exposes to Himself must not be diverted for any purpose other than that which He has determined The tithe offerings belong to God should not be used alone even to the things they see fit, Ellen White says: No one should feel free to withhold their tithe, to use their will and judgment. They may not use it for themselves in an emergency, nor should they be used to the things they regard as appropriate, even in what they consider to be the work of the Lord. The method used in this thesis is a quantitative research. The explanatory-confirmatory approach is, that this type of survey. Quantitative research is research conducted through the measuring instrument using an objective and standard instruments, which meet the standards of validity and reliability of the high and continued with statistical analysis, so the results can give meaning. The study was conducted in a manner so that the confirmatory study the implications of the meaning of the storehouse according to the book of Malachi 3:10, in the church life in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the church Pakusarakan. The results were then used to prove the hypothesis of the study to confirm statistically. This data analysis technique uses statistics for the collection, processing, interpretation, and making conclusions in the form of numbers. The study consisted of endogenous and exogenous variables. Endogenous variables are variables that are not influenced by causes in the research system and cannot be established casual relationships. This variable is also defined as a beginner variable that gives effect to other variables. The sum in this variable is not taken into account the remaining amount despite having a residual / error. Endogenous variables are variables whose diversity is explained by exogenous variables. The variables in this study are as follows: variable Y: Understanding Members of the Church about House Treasury According to Malachi 3:10. The survey research was developed based on exploratory-confirmatory studies. This research is called explanatory because this research only examines in depth the dependent variable (Y), that is indicator from analysis of understanding of the member of GMAHK about returning the tithe to the treasury house in Pakusarakan congregation according to Malachi 3:10, which is explained on variable or indicator through hypothesis. Explanatory research is also used for exploratory understanding of the treasury house. Statistical analysis using ANOVA. Analysis is required to determine whether the analysis of data for testing can be continued or not. Several data analysis techniques demanding test requirements analysis. Analysis of variance requires that the data came from a normal distributed population and groups than homogeneous. Therefore, analysis of variance requires the validity, reliability, normality, linearity, hypotheses and descriptive statistics. The number of respondents who have already filled out a questionnaire from No. 1-27 items as many as 58 people. The conclusion of this research is the first of them, there is still the Church Pakusarakan that not all believe that tithing was only for evangelism that needs to be improved understanding of the notion Pakusarakan church members tithe. Second, the church Pakusarakan already understand that they believe other than that referred to the church as the storehouse, then the office Conferences / mission also referred to as the storehouse, so that the understanding of members of the Church On Home Treasury has been good. Third, there are still some of the Church Pakusarakan agree that managing personal tithe for evangelism because no longer trust the organization Seventh-day Adventists, this leads to a need to increase the understanding of the Church Members About the Use of tithing. Fourth, Seventh-day Adventists Member understanding about returning the tithe to the Church House Pakusarakan Treasury in Bandung, According to Malachi 3:10 of 88.9%.</em></p> 2017-07-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) ANALISIS PENGARUH PERANAN GEMBALA DALAM PELAYANAN KONSELING PRA-NIKAH UNTUK KEHARMONISAN KELUARGA DI JEMAAT GEREJA MASEHI ADVENT HARI KETUJUH KONFERENS DKI JAKARTA WILAYAH EMPAT BERDASARKAN EFESUS 5:22-25 2017-08-08T18:17:40+07:00 Berlin Situmeang Joseph Peranginangin <em>An Analysis of the influence of the shepherd's role in pre-marriage counseling services for family harmony in the Seventday Adventist church at the fourth regional Jakarta local conference based on Ephesians 5:22-25. Keywords: The concept of marriage, Role of Shepherd, Counseling, and example. The discussion of pre-marriage counseling under Ephesians 5: 22-25 is highly relevant today, given that the institution of marriage has been established by God since the time of Eden before any institutions exist anywhere on the planet. Marriage is God's ordinance, God says, "it is not good that man should be alone" (Genesis 2:18), while in the past there are many marriages that have eventually found a dead end and destruction, these marriages have gone into the realm of the children's lives, sons of God. A marriage is suppose to be a unity of loving commitment to be manifested as a little paradise in the world, that has become corrupted and bitter. Satan desperately wants to destroy the marriage from the beginning and now it is a demonic attempt to mar the marriage. Where the commitment of love fades, loyalty disappears and is replaced by infidelity, as well as the bitter roots that appear in the dynamics of marrying. The concept of marriage is increasingly obscured by the emergence of polygamy in which a husband is married more than one wife. Polyandry is a wife married more than one Husband, LGBT is lesbian (female love fellow woman), gay or homo, bisexual that is loving the opposite sex and can love same-sex and transgender. A marriage contracts is where the contract is only the age of the agreed commitment and not of a lifetime contract. The role of the shepherd is very important to restore a biblical marriage and prepare the children of God to be ready to enter into a happy marriage that is not easily shaker by issues or problems. A study was conducted in the Seventh-day Adventist Church of the Fourth Area Jakarta Local Conference with a view of knowing how strongly the influence of the Shepherd's role for the pre-marriage counseling is. To what extent the church members' understanding the true biblical marriage concept that is specifically based on Ephesians 5: 22-25 , How important is the role of shepherd in providing pre-marital counseling for married couples, and the extent to which exemplary influence is good for the next generation. The method used in this research is quantitative research, and data collection tools used in the form of questionnaires to measure the variable influence of the role of the shepherds in Pre-marital counseling based on Ephesians 5: 22-25. The results showed that first, the respondent understands that the institution of marriage was founded by God since the Garden of Eden, That the marriage is holy and marriage is very necessary to be prepared for carefully, so that is the understanding of the real concept of marriage for couples who are getting married. Secondly, respondents strongly believe that it is very important to have briefing through pre-marital counseling services for married couples therefore this is the role of shepherds to provide for the pre-marital counseling for married couples. Thirdly, respondents strongly agree that they accepted their partners completely, both their strengths and weaknesses, and this is the best example of how they will influence in a marriage. The final part are the conclusion of the analysis of field research and suggestions of applications that can be executed to return the actual marriage designed by God, and blessed and become a blessing.</em> 2017-07-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c)