Family Communication and Reproductive Health Conversations among Seventh-day Adventist


  • Eric Jeff Pajarito Adventist University of The Philippines


family communication, reproductive health, Seventh-day Adventist families


This study determined how reproductive health was discussed in the family; what
topics were discussed under reproductive health; and determined the reasons why
they discuss reproductive health. Premised on the Family Communication Pattern
Theory (McLeod & Chaffee, 1972), the study determined the nature of family
communication of Seventh-day Adventists families in terms of cohesion and
conversation levels. The study employed a one-shot survey and convenient
sampling. The respondents of the study are 82 Filipino SDA parents who have
children between 15-20 years old, with life stage where adolescents experience
various physical and emotional changes; belonged to generation X, and worked
from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The results revealed that both parents carry out
decision-making in the home with regard to reproductive health issues. An open
communication environment of reproductive health issues using casual objective
approach was found effective for teenagers. Proper timing and current issues are
anchors to start a reproductive health conversation leading to more transparent and
communicative learning families. Having an open mind can lead to healthier
discussions and implies getting away from the dangers of teenage pregnancy or
unwarranted sexual behaviors. This means that the respondents of the study know
how to deal with their teenagers as far as reproductive health conversations are
concerned. Parents who reaffirm the value of their children could help in the
development of positive and healthy attitudes.

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How to Cite

Pajarito, E. J. (2018). Family Communication and Reproductive Health Conversations among Seventh-day Adventist. 11th International Scholars Conference, 6(1), 248.