Supervisory Practices, Instructional Quality, and Learning Environment in Relation to Librarian Licensure Examination Performance as Mediated by Self-Efficacy: Basis for Performance Enhancement Model


  • Michelle Carbonilla Adventist University of the Philippines


Supervisory practices, instructional quality, learning environment, Librarian Licensure Examination performance, efficacy


The purpose of this study was to determine the supervisory practices, instructional quality, and learning environment in relation to librarian licensure examination performance of public and private universities in the Philippines. One of the specific aims was to identify if self-efficacy mediates performance. The study utilized a descriptive-correlational method to explore the relationship among the variables. Particularly, a moderated mediation path analysis employed a model-fitting approach and stratified random sampling techniques. A structured model was used to develop a new model for performance enhancement. Stratified sampling technique was employed in this study. Included in this study were 320 graduates in the library schools of the Philippines regardless of whether they passed or failed in their examination performance. Results of this study show that there was a significant relationship between supervisory practices, instructional quality, and learning environment of the respondents as far as library licensure examination is concerned. Further results show that there was a significant difference between self-efficacy and the performance of the graduates considering the number of times they had taken the exams. The first takers from a state university had more chances of passing the examination, but it had no significant difference considering working status. The study also reveals that self-efficacy fully mediates the variables in this study which means that, if a student is knowledgeable in a certain subject without self-efficacy, his or her performance would be low. Based on the results, a performance enhancement model was developed to improve the graduate’s performance in the librarian's licensure examination.

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How to Cite

Carbonilla, M. (2017). Supervisory Practices, Instructional Quality, and Learning Environment in Relation to Librarian Licensure Examination Performance as Mediated by Self-Efficacy: Basis for Performance Enhancement Model. 11th International Scholars Conference, 5(1), 32.