The Relationship of Playing Violent Video Game Addiction and Aggressive Behavior of Students at UNKLAB Elementary School
Aggressive behavior, school age, violent video gamesAbstract
This study aims to identify the relationship of playing violent video game addiction and aggressive behavior of elementary school students. This research uses analytic survey design with cross sectional approach. The populations in this study were all elementary students in Unklab Elementary School Airmadidi amounted to 158 people. Sample selection using purposive sampling technique amounted to 87 people, with the criteria such as male and female, grade III and IV, love to play a violent video game, plays video games more than 2-3 hours every day from last one year. Data collection using a video game use behavior questionnaire and aggressive behavior questionnaire adapted from Siregar (2014). Univariate analysis uses frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using Spearmen Correlation and Partial Correlation. The results of the study showed that of 87 respondents, most of which were included in the category of high violent video game playing addiction that is 39 respondents (44.8%), mostly included in the category of aggressive behavior is very high that is 41 respondents (47.1%). The result of Spearman Correlation statistical test between violent video games use addiction and aggressive behavior obtained p value = 0.000 <0.05 it means H01 rejected. The results of Partial Correlation between the violent video games playing addiction and aggressive behavior by gender obtained p value = 0.000 <0.05 it means H02 rejected. Gender respondents who aggressively behaved with high category were male which amounted to 35 respondents (71.4%) and female were 6 respondents (15.8%), therefor men are more aggressive than women. For parents to be able to control and guide children to control and limit the use of electronic devices as entertainment that became one of the factors causing children to use the violent video games.
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