Mobile-Empowered Ministry in Indonesia: A Phenomenological Study


  • Alvyn Cesarianto Hendriks Universitas Advent Indonesia


Mobile phones, ministry, phenomenological study, West Indonesia


The impact of new media has continued to transform people. Thus, the impact of mobile
phones which are deemed to have a positive effect on education, business, science, health,
safety, communication, entertainment, society, environment, globalization, and people’s lives
is reflected in various studies. Though the abovementioned impacts are widely studied, the
impact of mobile phones in ministry—in sharing the gospel of God to humankind is hardly
discussed. This study employs phenomenological study with ministers of the gospel from the
West Java Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists situated in Indonesia as its participants.
Findings revealed that mobile phones can bring the gospel to both the reached and the
unreached through its different features and services. Thus, this study emphasizes
understanding of the importance for ministers of the gospel to take the edge of mobileempowered ministry, a new opportunity, as everyone is upswept by the mobile revolution.

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How to Cite

Hendriks, A. C. (2019). Mobile-Empowered Ministry in Indonesia: A Phenomenological Study. 11th International Scholars Conference, 7(1), 2090-2101.