Comparison of Accuracy Between Two Methods: Naїve Bayes Algorithm and Decision Tree-J48 to Predict The Stock Price of Pt Astra International tbk Using Data From Indonesia Stock Exchange


  • Joan Yuliana Hutapea Universitas Advent Indonesia
  • Yusran Timur Samuel Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Advent Indonesia
  • Heima Sitorus Universitas Advent Indonesia


Predicting Stock Prices, WEKA, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree – J48


The ability to predict the stock prices is very important for market players, whether individual or organizational investors. The market players needs to know how to predict, that will help them in their decision making process, whether to buy or to sell its shares, so that it can maximize profits and reduce potential losses due to mistakes in decision making. In accordance to this, the authors conducted a study that aimed to analyze and to compare the accuracy of two (2) methods that is used to predict the stock prices, namely: the Naїve Bayes Method and the Decision Tree-J48 Method. The amount of data used in this study were 1,195 stock datas of
PT Astra International Tbk, issued by the IDX, by the period of January 1, 2013 to November 30, 2017.
This study uses 7 attributes, namely: Previews, High, Low, Close, Volume, Value, and Frequency. By using the WEKA application the result shows that, the accuracy of the Naïve Bayes Method using 20% of testing data, is 92.0502%, the precision value is 0.920 and the value of recall is 0.961, while the accuracy of the Decision Tree J-48 method, using 20% of testing data, is 98.7448%, with precision value of 0.989 and the value of recall of
0.997.Through this results, it can be concluded that the decision tree J-48 algorithm has a better accuracy results compared to the Naive Bayes algorithm in predicting the stock price of PT. Astra Internasional Tbk.

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How to Cite

Hutapea, J. Y., Samuel, Y. T., & Sitorus, H. (2019). Comparison of Accuracy Between Two Methods: Naїve Bayes Algorithm and Decision Tree-J48 to Predict The Stock Price of Pt Astra International tbk Using Data From Indonesia Stock Exchange. 11th International Scholars Conference, 7(1), 1244-1258.