Nursing Students Perceptions of Effective Clinical Instructors Characteristics


  • Mori Peranginangin


Clinical Instructors Characteristics, Nursing students, Effective Clinical Instructor Characteristics Inventory


Clinical instructors have a very important role in the learning process of nursing students,
especially in clinical areas such as hospitals. The purpose of this study was to identify nursing
students’ perceptions of effective clinical instructors’ characteristics.
This research was conducted at Universitas Advent Indonesia with a descriptive, correlation
design. The sample used was 152 nursing students taken randomly. The instrument used was
the Effective Clinical Instructor Characteristics Inventory (ECICI) consisting of 40 statements,
which were grouped into three sections, as (1). Professional Competence with 20 statements,
(2). Relationships with Students with 8 statements, and (3). Personal-attributes with (12)
statements. Data collection was conducted from June to July 2019.
Relation With Student’ as the most important characteristic of effective clinical instructors'
characteristics. The five highest-ranked from 40 statements were (1). Communicate effectively;
breaks down content in a down-to-earth manner; (2). Friendly attitude; (3) Respect student as
an individual; Open-minded, objective, non-judgmental; (4). Able to transfer knowledge and
skills to students for safe practice; Be honest and direct with students, and (5). Demonstrate
self-control & patience. The t-test results showed that there were differences in perceptions
between male and female students with a sig value of 0.046 (<0.05).
It is hoped that the results of this study can provide input to staff and faculty in improving or
enhancing the characteristics of effective clinical instructors. It is necessary to orient the new
clinical instructor about the characteristics that need to be improved.

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How to Cite

Peranginangin, M. (2019). Nursing Students Perceptions of Effective Clinical Instructors Characteristics. 11th International Scholars Conference, 7(1), 652-659.