Fraud Prevention Predictor on Losing Merchandise Inventory in Alfa Mart Retail Store Bandung Barat, Indonesia


  • Jhon Rinendy Universitas Advent Indonesia


risk assessment, control activities, monitoring, administrative shrinkage, control environment


Introduction: This study aimed to examine the predictors that can be predicted to prevent the risk of fraud on losing merchandise inventory in Alfa Mart retail store within Parongpong district, Bandung-Barat through the COSO internal control dimensions (control environment control, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring) as perceived to prevent and reduce fraudulent acts in relation to misappropriation of assets.

Method: The survey research design was employed in this study with convenience random sampling technique. The descriptive-correlational design and multiple regression analysis were used to determine the existing relationship among the variables and the predictors of losing merchandise inventory risk. The respondents were 32 regular full-time employees of thirteen stores. There were four elements must be present to prevent fraud of losing merchandise inventory in term of administrative shrinkage, operational shrinkage, customer theft detection, and technology utilization.

Result: The findings revealed that “operational shrinkage” ranked first as a high factor, the second approach by: “administrative shrinkage,” and followed by the third is the “customer theft detection” and for the last order: technology utilization. There was a positive and significant relationship between Internal Control (IC) and Fraud Prevention (FP) on losing merchandise inventory of the respondents’ perception. Risk Assessment and Control Environment dimensions could be predicted to increase FP. The results indicate the importance of well-structured organizational culture of actions, policies, and procedures against fraud risk, and assessing risks of designing effective internal controls and operating internal controls in order to minimize errors and fraud by employees and customers regarding misappropriation of assets.



Keywords: control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, monitoring, administrative shrinkage, operational shrinkage, customer detection, technology implementation.

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How to Cite

Rinendy, J. (2020). Fraud Prevention Predictor on Losing Merchandise Inventory in Alfa Mart Retail Store Bandung Barat, Indonesia. 11th International Scholars Conference, 7(1), 1373-1386.