Indirect Communication as a Teaching Method for Developing Student Capability in Higher Education


  • Melynie Tooley Taiwan Adventist College


Indirect communication, capability, knowledge transfer, higher education


The capacity of a student to apply knowledge in new contexts involves the ability to transfer memorized knowledge to meaning, in real-world situations. However, there are conflicting views and an overall lack of research regarding how (the process) students in higher education, transfer that knowledge, especially in highly dynamic environments where knowledge is rapidly and continuously evolving – for example, in the current technology arena and business industry. While university scholars have discussed the need for a change in teaching styles, to accommodate the new technological generation of students, none have approached the topic from the aspect of indirect communication, as a teaching method for acquiring capability. The traditional lecture and rote memorization techniques are inadequate, yet are still used in today’s classrooms. Using Soren Kierkegaard’s theory of indirect communication, the present study explores how indirect communication can be used as an innovative educational tool for teachers in moving students from memorized textbook knowledge to developing capability that can be used in new contexts and in real-world situations.

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How to Cite

Tooley, M. (2024). Indirect Communication as a Teaching Method for Developing Student Capability in Higher Education. 11th International Scholars Conference, 11(4), 1034-1045.