Advancing English Vocabulary Proficiency through Meaningful Contextual Teaching in Learning English in a Private Senior High School


  • Petrus Kondo Universitas Klabat
  • Sennyta Andrea Triasta Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Klabat


English Vocabulary Proficiency, Meaningful Learning, Contextual Teaching Learning, Rote Learning


A strong vocabulary is a cornerstone of English language proficiency, it is enabling learners to express ideas clearly and engage in meaningful conversations. However, many students struggle to acquire a strong vocabulary due to traditional teaching methods that often focus on rote memorization rather than contextual understanding. The study was to determine the average score of students' English vocabulary and then find the difference between pretest and posttest scores. This study used a quantitative approach and an experimental design using statistical tools and a dependent sample t-test to analyze the data. The sample of this study was 31 students from a private senior high school in Airmadidi. The study's instruments were 20 questions for a vocabulary test. The findings of this study were: (a) the average score of students English vocabulary before treatment was 48.55 (b) the average score of students English vocabulary after treatment was 91.13 (c) there is a difference in average scores between students' pretest and posttest on English vocabulary proficiency with a meaningful learning through CTL with the sig. 2-tailed (.000) < a (.05). The effect size obtained in this study was 0.96, which means that the interpretation of the effect size shows a huge difference. The researcher recommends that teachers and students learn meaningfully and contextually rather than rote learning and use the REACT stages.

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How to Cite

Kondo, P., & Triasta, S. A. (2024). Advancing English Vocabulary Proficiency through Meaningful Contextual Teaching in Learning English in a Private Senior High School. 11th International Scholars Conference, 11(4), 1109-1124.