Development And Validation of Self-efficacy Scale In Adventist Education
Self-Efficacy Scale, Adventist Education, EFA, CFA, ValidationAbstract
This study aimed to develop and validate a self-efficacy scale specific to Adventist education, a faith-based setting that emphasizes spirituality and values. The research sought to create a reliable and valid instrument to measure self-efficacy among Adventist students. A total of 239 students participated in the study, which involved the development of an 80-item questionnaire, guided by a comprehensive literature review and theoretical understanding of self-efficacy. Careful analysis using a credible software reduced the scale to 15 items across three dimensions: Motivation (7 items), Growth (4 items), and Faith (4 items). Reliability and validity tests, including convergent and discriminant analyses, confirmed the scale’s suitability for assessing self-efficacy within this context. Cronbach's alpha values ranged from 0.712 to 0.854, with model fit indices meeting acceptable standards. The findings support the scale's effectiveness in measuring self-efficacy in Adventist education, with potential implications for student and teacher development. The study recommends further data collection to enhance the scale’s robustness and generalizability. This instrument is expected to contribute significantly to Adventist schools by promoting both academic and spiritual growth.
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