The investment method that is currently often used in the current moment is to invest in the stocks. Purchases of stocks may provide returns in the form of two benefits, including capital gains and dividends. Capital gains benefits in the form of increased stock price, while providing benefits in the form of dividend distribution of company profits to investors. Behind the expected return that there are also potential risks facing investors is capital loss or undistributed dividends that could be considered lost profits opportunity.
The correct company valuation method is required (which is reflected also in the shares of such companies) so that investors can better decide when to purchase or to sale of such stock, and even strategic actions for sustainable growth.
For managing expectation on investment in the stock, the Growth value map can be utilized for this purpose (in addition to other methods that exist) because it can describe a market capitalization of a company on a strategic action that has taken on the current performance and will also facilitate a structural analysis of potential strategic actions for the creation of corporate value in the long term growth.
Key words: Valuation, Growth value Map, Weighted Average cost capital, Free cash Flow to the Firm