Scavengers’ Participation in Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness at The Landfills of Sarimukti Cipatat District West Bandung Regency


  • Nopember Christanto Balenguru Universitas Advent Indonesia
  • Palupi Triwahyuni Universitas Advent Indonesia


Scavengers’ Participation, Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness.


This research is based by the observation of a preliminary study on 27-28 October 2016 by the
researcher according of the findings of scatter garbage. It was found that scavengers are lack
of participation in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment. Because of this finding the
researcher is interested to do this research with the purpose of getting a depiction of the
participation of scavengers in maintaining environmental cleanliness.
This study uses qualitative methods withsnowball sampling technique with in-depth interview
to obtain the data from the respondents. There are 12 respondents in this study consisting of 6
scavengers and 6 landfills of Sarimuktistaff. The result of the interview are analyzed with the
Coallizi’s method.
The results showed according to the perspective of scavengers and staff are that scavengers'
knowledge about environmental hygiene is still limited accordance to lack of education,
scavengers is lacking of care on environmental cleanliness, and lacking of motivation to
participate in maintaining environmental cleanliness in Sarimukti Landfills.
This study suggest that this research can be used as an input material to get the idea to be more
active in providing knowledge about the ways of correct waste processing, recycling, and also
knowledge about the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of the environment. This study
hope that this research can be developed into another qualitative research about the right
program for scavenger participation in maintaining environmental cleanliness.

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How to Cite

Balenguru, N. C., & Triwahyuni, P. (2019). Scavengers’ Participation in Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness at The Landfills of Sarimukti Cipatat District West Bandung Regency. 11th International Scholars Conference, 7(1), 493-498.