Students’ Perceptions of the Lecture and Active Learning Methods in Teaching: A Study of Asian Students


  • Pak T. Lee Asia-Pacific International University
  • Nguyen Thi Phuong Linh Asia-Pacific International University
  • Sunisa Thatong Asia-Pacific International University


Lecture method, active learning method, perceptions of teaching methods, Asian students


Educators commonly have used lectures to transfer knowledge to their students. The lecture method is considered out-of-date by many who believe that methods that actively involve students in the learning process are more beneficial and effective. Findings on teaching methods have been mixed and inconclusive. The purpose of this study was to establish Asian students’ perceptions of the two learning methods. The results showed that most students perceive that they learned more from listening to lectures and that lectures help them to remember material content better, prepare them well for exams, and lead them to think more deeply about the subject content. In addition, students also expressed their desires to take an active part in discussions, ask questions, find information for themselves and work with other students. Overall, the majority of students thought that it was better to mix lectures with student activities for the application of concepts. Other variables such as gender and student status had no significant influence on the perceptions of teaching methods. However, there are differences in students’ perceptions between programs of studies. In summary, students considered the lecture method of learning, together with interactions involving teachers and students, maximized their learning.

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How to Cite

Lee, P. T., Linh, N. T. P., & Thatong, S. (2017). Students’ Perceptions of the Lecture and Active Learning Methods in Teaching: A Study of Asian Students. 11th International Scholars Conference, 5(1), 75.