Design of Student Labor Information System Mobile Application Using Ionic Framework


  • Arnest Zefanya Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Advent Indonesia
  • Jay Idoan Sihotang Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Advent Indonesia


Student Labor, Waterfall, ionic, information system


In this era, smartphone is a device that is difficult to separate from human life. This is
because smartphones are not only used as a means of communication, but rather have
applications that can be used to enjoy entertainment. Smartphones can also meet the needs in
education, social, health, entertainment and even business, through an operating system that
is almost like a computer. Universitas Advent Indonesia (UNAI) has a program for students
who want to study while working on the campus. The program is known as student labor. The
system used in the student labor program was still manual in which all stages, ranging from
students applying for jobs in each department they want to fill the working hours still using
paper. Student labor information system applications are built using hybrid mobile
technology. The SDLC waterfall model is a research method used to support the process in
making this student labor application. And the design of UML ensures that the system is built
according to its purpose. This information system was developed using the IONIC
framework. The result is an information system that can enabled departments to control
student labor programs at UNAI. The application is able to send push notifications that will
display the latest notifications directly for each stage that can be used as a service to facilitate
each student, vice chancellor, head of the department, including finance department to find
out every activity that takes place as program management for student labor more easily.
Blackbox testing is used to validate the performance of the application and ensure that the
application is built according to purpose. And it was found that the application is running
well. Advice from the authors is that further research can be developed using react native
applications or using another updated application. And pay more attention to the security side
of data transmission.

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How to Cite

Zefanya, A., & Sihotang, J. I. (2019). Design of Student Labor Information System Mobile Application Using Ionic Framework. 11th International Scholars Conference, 7(1), 1811-1825.