Effectiveness of boiled Comfrey Leaf (Symphytum Officinale L) on Ureum Creatinine Serum in Male Wistar Strain of Acute Kidney Failure model.
Gentamicin, Ureum, Creatinine, Symphytum Officinale L.Abstract
Acute kidney failure is a decrease in kidney that occurs only in a matter of hours even days which can be seen from decreased urine production and increased blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of boiled comfrey leaf (symphytum officinale L) on Ureum Creatinine Serum in Male Wistar Strain of Acute Kidney Failure model. This research used 30 male Wistar strain rats weighing 180-200 grams and aged 2-3 months that were divided into 3 groups, namely negative group (only given minerals), positive group (kidney damaged by gentamicin 0.3cc IP / day) and the treatment group (the kidneys were damaged with gentamicin 0.3cc IP / day and 2.8 g of boiled comfrey leaf in 150 cc of water and 2.7 cc were given orally for 7 days). Data were analyzed with SPSS version 24, one way ANOVA test was performed to compare the levels of ureum and creatinine. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the ureum of the treatment group and the positive group (p <0.05) but there was no significant difference in the ureum value between the treatment group and the negative group. There was a significant difference in creatinine values between the treatment group, positive group and negative group (p <0.05). As a Conclusion boiled comfrey leaf (symphytum officinale L) water has an effect on decreasing serum levels of ureum creatinine in male rats wistar strain of acute kidney failure model.
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