The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Non Material Incentives on Employee Performance at Fave Hotel Jakarta, Indonesia
Job Satisfaction, Non Material Incentives, Employee PerformanceAbstract
Employee attitudes are very significant to management and Organizations since today determine the behavior of employee in an Organization. It is believed that employees who are satisfied are normally productive than their counterparts who are dissatisfied. Although some researches focused on job satisfaction and employee performance, empirical work on the determinants of job satisfaction, non-material incentive and its effect on performance especially in hotel is scanty. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of job satisfaction and non material incentive among the workforce of Fave Hotel Jakarta on employee performance. Data collections used in this study is by distributing questionnaires. The method used in this research was descriptive method, and the data obtained were processed statistically using multiple linear regression analysis, and also uses primary data. The sample of the study is comprised of 61, Human Resources, Finance, House Keeping, Food & Beverages, Sales & Marketing, Front Office, Engineer, and Security Department in Fave Hotel, Jakarta. 61 Questionnaires were distributed out of which 30 were received back and used for analysis. SPSS is used for data analysis statistically. Based on the first results shown that the correlation coefficient r = 0.503, with 0.005 < 0.05 which means there were significant influence between job satisfaction on employee performance. Second result found the correlation coefficient r = 0.031, with 0.870 > 0.05 which means there were no significance influence between non material incentives on employee performance, hence Ha declined and Ho accepted. Simultaneously result showed that the correlation coefficient r = 0.511, with f sig 0.017 < 0.05, which means there were significance influence between job satisfaction and non material incentives on employee performance. Result suggested the facets such as: pay, promotion, relationship with co-workers and supervisor support the organization and for further research can add other independent variables with motivation, individual characteristics and organizational setting is particularly important determinant of employee performance.
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