Nurse Turnover Intention and Demographic Profiles: Insights from a Selected Private Hospital in Manado
Turnover Intention, Nurse Retention, Demographic Factors, Nursing ManagementAbstract
Turnover intention refers to the desire or intention of an individual to leave their current workplace, often serving as an early indicator of actual turnover. This study aims to identify and analyze the demographic factors associated with turnover intention among nurses at a selected private Hospital in Manado, focusing on factors such as age, marital status, employment status, length of service, and gender. A quantitative, cross-sectional research design was employed. The sample size includes the 105 nurses currently employed at the hospital, selected through total sampling. The results of the study revealed that none of the demographic factors—age, marital status, employment status, length of service, or gender—had a statistically significant relationship with turnover intention, as indicated by p>0.05. Notably, the majority of nurses (61.0%) at the hospital reported no intention or desire to leave their current job. This underscores the need for hospital management to focus beyond demographic factors when addressing turnover intention among nurses. By recognizing the limited impact of age, gender, and other demographic factors, healthcare institutions can redirect efforts toward improving work environments, fostering professional development, and enhancing job satisfaction.
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