The author gives title to this study, “The Understanding of the Merbabu Seventh-day
Adventist Church Bandung about the Way of Living of the Early Church Based on
Acts 2: 44.45.” The author is motivated by the way of life of the church today that is
already away from the way of life of the church should, like the way of life of the
early church. At the present time many churches who do not care to about the poor,
the church members had no care for other people who are around them, it can be
seen in the church, that there was the rich and the poor. The author chose Merbabu
Bandung church to be a place of the research of the author. The author will discuss
three issues in this writing. First, how the understanding of the Merbabu church
about this verses, the second is, how the experts of the bible comments related to this
passage, and the third, according to this verse, how should be the church life, or does
this verses only for the early church, or to the church in these days also.
Answering the field conclusion, the authors have conducted research in the
congregation Merbabu, it turns out the church generally has been understood about
the meaning of the verse in Acts 2: 44.45. The Church should have a special cash to
help poor people who are in the church. But not only the church, but each member
as individual base must be attentive to the needs of their fellow man in need. In
conclusion theory, the Bible experts gave their comments with respect thereto. Early
Church can perform these characteristics due to several important factors. The gift
of their love of Christ among them, the Holy Spirit is with them after the event of
Pentecost. These things allow members of the early church to care for one another.
Therefore, it ought to God's people today live life together. The congregation is
currently devoted by God to care for the poor that is between them, in the practice of
stewardship, the church is also a place where all people get the attention of others. In
addition, church members, as well as individuals, should pay attention to each other,
just like what was done by the members of the early church