Mission Theology of Worship: A Framework in Reaching the Postmodern Generation in Jakarta, Indonesia


  • Yoanes Sinaga Perguruan Tinggi Advent Surya Nusantara



practical theology, worship theology, missiology, applied theology


The rise of postmodern influence in Jakarta triggers a change of perspective among the younger generation which is contrary to the core values of older generations.  However, the Adventist church members adopted a rigid form of worship theology that hindered a more flexible evangelistic approach in reaching postmodern generation. This attitude toward worship signifies a perplexing theological and practical problem that need to be addressed to make the gospel more relevant to the current generations. In order to address this issue, it is necessary to develop a mission theology of worship that enables the church to reach more effectively the younger generation who has been influenced by postmodern worldview. To discover the answer, the researcher utilizes library research. First, the researcher will explore the biblical understanding of worship, and from there, establish a mission application of worship in context by analyzing the socio-cultural aspects of Jakarta. From there, the researcher shall develop a contextual theology for worship which specifically design for the postmodern generation in Jakarta.

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How to Cite

Sinaga, Y. (2023). Mission Theology of Worship: A Framework in Reaching the Postmodern Generation in Jakarta, Indonesia. Jurnal Koinonia: Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Advent Indonesia, 15(2), 1-31. https://doi.org/10.35974/koinonia.v15i2.3263