
  • Gerry C.J. Takaria


Remind the mistakes of others is not an easy matter. Misunderstandings
can be occurring with one another, and peace became far from our lives; there will be
hatred, conflict, hurt, and others. Therefore, in reminding the mistakes of others, we
must have a strong foundation of truth, and everything must be based on love.
Apostle Paul in his letter in Rome 13:10 “Love worked no ill to his neighbor:
therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.” We will remind the mistakes of others
because we love it, not because you want to drop or criticizing. With reminded, that
person may can be convert back to the right path and be saved.
Jesus has given the appropriate steps in solving problems among God’s
people, it is recorded in Matthew 18:5-17. The stages are as follows: Private
conversation (Matthew 18:15); The talk in front of a witness (Matthew 18:16); The
talk in front of the Church (Matthew 18: 17a); Of view of him as a man who does not
know God (Matius18: 17b). The first step is to meet in person is the most
fundamental stage and it seems a simple, but is actually the most important steps in
the reconciliation process in solving problems.
There are 5 things that are important in implementing the first step, namely:
1. Let us treat the guilty as our brother, and not regard them as enemies; 2. When we
come to him, make sure that there is a problem that absolutely must be resolved; 3.
Go in private or alone to those who are innocent, not representing it through others;
4. Speak to him in the guidance of the Holy Spirit through the words humble and
gentle spirit. Success in carrying out Jesus’ command, to speak to people who are
guilty in a proper way, will bring blessings to ourselves, to guilty person and to the
church of God.
Article Metrics


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How to Cite

Takaria, G. C. (2016). MENYELESAIKAN MASALAH DI ANTARA SESAMA ANGGOTA JEMAAT BERDASARKAN PETUNJUK YESUS DI MATIUS 18:15. Jurnal Koinonia: Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Advent Indonesia, 7(1), 23-35.



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