
  • Jekson Panjaitan Universita Advent Indonesia
  • Marlinda Siahaan Universitas Advent Indonesia


The life of God's people is the same as in ancient times. They long to keep God's shepherd along the way of their lives. The people of God long to be constantly visited by God through pastors who are entrusted to shepherd them, both in joy, especially when they are in sorrow. When a pastor makes a visit to God's people, they feel there is a diminishing burden in their lives. The people of God believe that there is a new spirit for them, whether in the service of the household, or in the church worship. They believe the prayer that a priest shows through the care done to their home, is very big in every life. The purpose of this study is first, it is hoped that the pastors of the congregation know what the members expect of their shepherd, especially in terms of shepherding and evangelism. Secondly, so that the results of this study can be input to other pastoral colleagues, that each congregation is keen to keep the shepherd focus on pastoral ministry and evangelism. Third, to see the attendance of members in every event, both at church and outside church. Fourth, to inform the readers that the results of this study can be applied to members of the Seventh-day Adventist church especially in the 13 DKI Jakarta and surrounding areas, and for all members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in general. The researcher on the theoretical basis below will describe biblical theology of Psalms 23: 1-4 on the influence of shepherding care on church involvement in ministry in the church according to the views of GMAHK members in the 13 Jakarta area. Psalm 23 is sourced from David in the inspiration and inspiration of the Holy Spirit who leads and guides David to reveal God's care and care. God faithfully always accompany him because David is very valuable and made the object of God's love. He cares for David like a father who cares for his children and is like a shepherd to his sheep. It can be concluded that this Psalm 23 is a composition or writings of King David. He reveals God's work on his life and the personal relationship with God described as the shepherd's relationship with his pastoral sheep. The pastor of the congregation must bury his congregation on the basis of firm trust in God, and now is the time to consolidate them in their faith in God so that they will not be easily swayed by false teachings, for they have known for certain which doctrine is true and where the teachings are false. The pastor of the congregation is "the representatives whom He determined to cooperate with the tools of heaven to advance the work of Christ in this world." A shepherd of the shepherd must work in the service of the people of God in accordance with the rules set by God himself. He cannot shepherd the people who are under his supervision at will, for he is not the owner of the people, but Christ is the owner, for He has redeemed them from the wages of sin, eternal death. In practice the shepherd's work is the same as the shepherd of the congregation. Jesus says I am the good shepherd and the words of Jesus are not only in speech but in practice as well. These words of Jesus are evident from the first ministry to death, He never neglects what He can do to help and save the souls of men who long to be saved. Based on the library survey that has been described, the authors found that: First, members of the congregation expect that the pastor is more focused on the treatment, but found they are not satisfied with the care done by the pastor. Secondly, is there any significant influence between the pastor's craft visit with the increasing interest of congregation members to evangelize. Third, members of the congregation expect the pastor of the congregation to set an example of good ministry in every worship in order to influence members to be active in every worship. Sampling technique by random cluster sampling, ie sampling by selecting members of the church from each church proportionally from the 13 DKI Jakarta and its surrounding Conferences. The number of respondents who have filled in questionnaires from no 1-25 items about 243 people. Analysis is needed to determine whether data analysis for testing can proceed or not. Some data analysis techniques require test requirements analysis. Data collection methods, as described by Sproul cited by Subagyo, are four, namely: 1) interview method, 2) administration, 3) inspectors, 4) observations, 5) and examination of documents or objects. As for quantitative research, this method of data collection uses the administration of questionnaire instruments. Data collection techniques based on the Likert scale model, to measure attitudes, opinions, and assumptions of a person or group of people about symptoms or social phenomena. With this Likert Scale the variables to be measured are translated into indicator variables, which become the basis of reference to prepare statement items.

The conclusion of this research is first, the results of statistical descriptive indicate that the pastoral care of the congregation greatly affects the presence of members in the Church and so it indicates that the more often the pastor visited, then it affects the growing spirituality of members, especially the spirituality of the elders of the congregation so that the elders of the congregation More actively serving in every church activity so that worship in the church is more alive. Second, the congregation strongly agrees that when the pastor diligently visits the members, the more souls will be taught so that there is an influence of the pastoral care of the congregation on the readiness of the members for the second coming of Jesus. Third, the example of the pastor's pastor's life can increase the activity of the members in ministry and the pastor exemplifies the correct way of ministry in the church so that the influence of the pastoral care of the congregation in the 13 districts of DKI Jakarta & Surrounding to make the congregation more diligent to come to church as evidence of the church's revival. Fourth, there are still some members who do not fully believe that if they are active in the ministry, the more blessed the Lord will be because of the members of the congregation who are not satisfied with the care done by a pastor of the congregation. Fifthly, there are still some members of the congregation who doubt the prayers of a more powerful pastor than the prayers of the members of the congregation so that members of the congregation have not been blessed through the ministry of the word delivered by the pastor of his congregation.

The suggestion in this study is that the congregation should focus on ministry primarily to increase pastoralism and evangelism so that the influence of shepherding care on church involvement in ministry based on Psalm 23: 1-4 is increasing. The implication of this research is that the life of God's people longs to keep the shepherd of God along the way of their lives. The people of God long to be constantly visited by God through pastors who are entrusted to shepherd them, both in joy, especially when they are in sorrow. When a pastor makes a visit to God's people, they feel there is a diminishing burden in their lives. The people of God believe that there is a new spirit for them, whether in the service of the household, or in the church worship. They believe the prayer that a priest shows through the care done to their home, is very big in every life.

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