Tithes should be brought into the storehouse of God (the church), but there are some members of the Seventh-day Adventists do not follow the standards of faith, but they use, manage, put on with the reason for the ministry of evangelism. By using the Bible verse Deuteronomy 14: 23,26: In front of the Lord your God will place that He chose to make his name dwell there, you shall eat the tithe of your grain, new wine, and olive oil, and the firstborn of an ox herds and flocks, so that you may learn to fear the Lord your God. And thou shalt bestow that money for everything in love heart for oxen or sheep, for wine or strong drink, or whatever you desire, and thou shalt eat there before the Lord your God and rejoice you and your household. In the sphere of Christian life and charity the problem of stewardship plays a large and important role. Every believer has a special interest in this matter. Our willingness and our willingness to acknowledge God as King and Owner of all possessions, and the willingness of God to grant His blessings to us, including our understanding of the principles, the closer we are to the understanding of the way God's love and gifts God works within us. A committee set up by the church in 1998 to investigate this group "was observed in a conversation with Hope International and colleagues that they affirmed the agreement on many key elements of the Seventh Day of the Adventist faith, but the method they used to express their concerns has resulted in what Considered by many to be the spirit of constant criticism aimed at the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The tithe offerings are applied to His people not because God is deprived so that God expects the tithing offerings of each of His people. The congregation must realize that everything belongs to God, it is said in (Ps. 24: 1) that God is the owner of the earth and all its contents. And the world and the dwelling in it. Seventh-day Adventist Church has a number of supporters, church, independent, self-contained and other organizations as an additional work or in connection with the official church. One of the authors estimated their number at more than 800 and most of the support of the church, though different ministries may be critical of the actions of the church. A committee set up by the church in 1998 to investigate the group "was observed in conversations with Hope International and associates that they affirmed agreement on many key elements of the Seventh-day Adventist faith. However, the methods they use to express their concerns have resulted in what considered by many to be the spirit of constant criticism directed against the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The purpose of writing and research that will be done this is the first, to give an understanding of giving tithes into the storehouse. Second, analyze the understanding of the Church members Pakusarakan about bringing tithes according Malachi 3:10. Third, to examine the kinds of tithe in the Bible. Fourth, to provide insight to members of the Church Pakusarakan that the tithe belongs to God. Fifth, to teach members of the Church Pakusarakan, who has the right to manage, use the tithe? And sixth, to increase the loyalty of members of the Church Pakusarakan in giving tithes. The book of Malachi is one of the books The Old Testament is included in the book of the little prophets. This book is the last book in the Old Testament. The book of Malachi is also the last book of the small prophets. This causes Malachi to be regarded as the last voice in the Old Testament. Traditionally, the Book is believed to have been written by a man named Malachi.
The scriptures teach that God, as The provision of our needs, has a part in it all. Then its part must be our first thought; And a special blessing will accompany all those who honor this guidance. God has given instructions on how to use the tithe, He does not want His work to be crippled because of lack of cost, so there is no job congestion and mistakes. He has established our duty in this very clearly. The part that God exposes to Himself must not be diverted for any purpose other than that which He has determined The tithe offerings belong to God should not be used alone even to the things they see fit, Ellen White says: No one should feel free to withhold their tithe, to use their will and judgment. They may not use it for themselves in an emergency, nor should they be used to the things they regard as appropriate, even in what they consider to be the work of the Lord. The method used in this thesis is a quantitative research. The explanatory-confirmatory approach is, that this type of survey. Quantitative research is research conducted through the measuring instrument using an objective and standard instruments, which meet the standards of validity and reliability of the high and continued with statistical analysis, so the results can give meaning. The study was conducted in a manner so that the confirmatory study the implications of the meaning of the storehouse according to the book of Malachi 3:10, in the church life in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the church Pakusarakan. The results were then used to prove the hypothesis of the study to confirm statistically. This data analysis technique uses statistics for the collection, processing, interpretation, and making conclusions in the form of numbers. The study consisted of endogenous and exogenous variables. Endogenous variables are variables that are not influenced by causes in the research system and cannot be established casual relationships. This variable is also defined as a beginner variable that gives effect to other variables. The sum in this variable is not taken into account the remaining amount despite having a residual / error. Endogenous variables are variables whose diversity is explained by exogenous variables. The variables in this study are as follows: variable Y: Understanding Members of the Church about House Treasury According to Malachi 3:10. The survey research was developed based on exploratory-confirmatory studies. This research is called explanatory because this research only examines in depth the dependent variable (Y), that is indicator from analysis of understanding of the member of GMAHK about returning the tithe to the treasury house in Pakusarakan congregation according to Malachi 3:10, which is explained on variable or indicator through hypothesis. Explanatory research is also used for exploratory understanding of the treasury house. Statistical analysis using ANOVA. Analysis is required to determine whether the analysis of data for testing can be continued or not. Several data analysis techniques demanding test requirements analysis. Analysis of variance requires that the data came from a normal distributed population and groups than homogeneous. Therefore, analysis of variance requires the validity, reliability, normality, linearity, hypotheses and descriptive statistics. The number of respondents who have already filled out a questionnaire from No. 1-27 items as many as 58 people. The conclusion of this research is the first of them, there is still the Church Pakusarakan that not all believe that tithing was only for evangelism that needs to be improved understanding of the notion Pakusarakan church members tithe. Second, the church Pakusarakan already understand that they believe other than that referred to the church as the storehouse, then the office Conferences / mission also referred to as the storehouse, so that the understanding of members of the Church On Home Treasury has been good. Third, there are still some of the Church Pakusarakan agree that managing personal tithe for evangelism because no longer trust the organization Seventh-day Adventists, this leads to a need to increase the understanding of the Church Members About the Use of tithing. Fourth, Seventh-day Adventists Member understanding about returning the tithe to the Church House Pakusarakan Treasury in Bandung, According to Malachi 3:10 of 88.9%.
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