The Patient Satisfaction On Quality of Health Services in Out Patient Department of Bandar Lampung Adventist Hospital


  • Novita Verayanti Manalu Universitas Advent Indonesia
  • Tresia Budiarti Universitas Advent Indonesia


Quality of Health Service, Patient Satisfaction


One of the health service facilities is a hospital. Hospitals are required to provide the best
services for patient satisfaction. Satisfaction will be fulfilled if the service provided in a hospital
is felt to be in accordance with patient expectations, otherwise the patient will not feel satisfied.
Disatisfaction with services will encourage patients to use the services of other competitors and
will result in decreased profits for the hospital. The level of satisfaction is closely related to
quality services so that the services provided are in accordance with patient expectation. The
purpose of this study was to determine the level of patient satisfaction, patient assessment of
the quality of health services and the relationship between the level of satisfaction with the
quality of health services in an Out Patient Department (OPD) of Bandar Lampung Adventist
The method used in this study is a descriptive correlation involving 160 patients in OPD of
Bandar Lampung Adventist Hospital. The data gathering was done by purposive sampling, and
used a questionnaire instrument. The questionnaire used in the form of a checklist consist of
two parts were those related to the patient satisfaction levels (23 questions) and related to the
quality of OPD services (45 questions), so the total of all questions was 68. Then the data were
analyzed using the McClave percentage formula, Benson, and the correlation formula
according to Sugiyono (2007: 122).
The results of this study found the percentage level of patient satisfaction in the Out Patient
Department of Bandar Lampung Adventist Hospital is 76.35%. This states that the level of
patient satisfaction is included in the high category. The percentage of patients' assessment of
service quality is 75.96%, this value is also included in the high category. Through these two
percentages, the correlation value is 0.852. It states that there is a very strong relationship
between the level of patient satisfaction with the quality of health services in OPD of Bandar
Lampung Adventist Hospital.
Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that patients in OPD of Bandar Lampung
Adventist Hospital have a high level of satisfaction that related to the quality of hospital health
services. Suggestions given to the head of the OPD are expected to be able to maintain and
improve quality services so that the patient satisfaction is maintained properly.

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Author Biography

Novita Verayanti Manalu, Universitas Advent Indonesia





How to Cite

Manalu, N. V., & Budiarti, T. (2019). The Patient Satisfaction On Quality of Health Services in Out Patient Department of Bandar Lampung Adventist Hospital. 11th International Scholars Conference, 7(1), 550-563.