The The Influence of Hypertension Exercise on Blood Pressure in Elderly Hypertension in The Working Area Of The Kedaton Health Center in Penengahan Raya Village Bandar Lampung


  • Novita Verayanti Manalu Universitas Advent Indonesia


Elderly Hipertension Exercise, Elderly Hypertension


Blood pressure can increase when one is aged 45 – 55 years old. The artery walls become thick
due to the collagen acumulation in the muscle layers. As a result, the blood vessels will
gradually narrow and become rigid. Elderly exercise is a mild exercise. It is easy to do wothour
burdensome, which is dedicated to the elderly. The objective of this research is to analyze the
effect of the elderly exercise on the blood pressure of the hypertension elderly at Community
Health Center of Kedaton.
This reseach used the quasi experimental method with pre and post test design. The population
of research consisted of 64 respondents, 32 as the experimental group and the rest 32 as the
control group. The former was exposed to the intervention of the elderly hypertension exercise.
The data of research were analyzed by using T test.
There was an effect of the elderly hypertension exercise on the systolic blood pressure and
dyastolic blood pressure of the hypertension respondents at Community Health Center of
Kedaton as indicated by the p value = 0,000. So H0 rejected and H1 accepted. The health
workers are required to conduct socialization and training of the elderly hipertention exercise
need to socialize and train the performance skill of hipertension exercise. So, they can manage
the elderly whom have hypertension by using non-pharmacological management to control
blood pressure on hypertension patients.

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Author Biography

Novita Verayanti Manalu, Universitas Advent Indonesia





How to Cite

Manalu, N. V. (2019). The The Influence of Hypertension Exercise on Blood Pressure in Elderly Hypertension in The Working Area Of The Kedaton Health Center in Penengahan Raya Village Bandar Lampung. 11th International Scholars Conference, 7(1), 564-579.