The Problems of Online Mathematics Learning in Bantul Yogyakarta


  • Christina Eva Nuryani Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta


problems of learning mathematics, online study, learning loss


This study aims to describe the problems faced by teachers, students and parents in learning mathematics that is carried out online (in the network) combined with limited face-to-face. Learning with this method is still carried out by schools from elementary to tertiary levels before the 2022/2023 school year.

This type of research is qualitatively a phenomenological study obtained through in-depth online interviews. Sources of data were obtained by interviewing mathematics teachers, students and parents from 7 Junior High Schools (SMP) in Bantul Yogyakarta. Data analysis used an interactive model with a phenomenological approach with steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data includes the credibility test, transferability test, dependability test and confirmability test.

The results of the study indicate that there are many technical and non-technical, internal and external problems that hinder the effective and efficient learning activities. Technical problems always arise, including the problem of quotas owned by children and the signal is not good enough because some areas in Bantul can be said to be on the outskirts, the internet network is not adequate. In addition, teachers need to provide services for almost 24 hours, this is certainly very tiring. Meanwhile, non-technical problems that arise include difficulties in achieving learning objectives such as the ability to understand mathematical concepts, mathematical critical thinking, solving mathematical problems, and so on or it can be said that there is learning loss. Internal problems such as children's motivation and interest are also factors causing difficulties in achieving learning objectives. Usually children also find it difficult to resist temptations from the outside, for example using gadgets and other facilities for things outside of learning. There is also a new problem of character loss due to the absence of physical contact with friends, teachers, the community and various other parties.

The various problems above can be overcome with the new Independent Learning curriculum, the tasks given are not too many but really according to the child's passion and there is integration with the subject. The implementation of the curriculum is expected to encourage students to be more active and know how to learn and involve parents in assisting children. Learning with contextual methods is certainly very helpful for children in improving their understanding of concepts and other abilities

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How to Cite

Eva Nuryani, C. . (2023). The Problems of Online Mathematics Learning in Bantul Yogyakarta . Jurnal Padegogik, 6(1), 36-43.