
  • Regar Esa Nugraha Mahasiswa
  • Nitta Puspitasari
  • Tina Sri Sumartini


Mathematical Connection, Algebra, faraidh, Islamic Boarding School


The existence of Mathematics in Islamic Boarding Schools is less attractive to students, compared to religious subjects. As a result, math scores are so low. Therefore, it is necessary to have connection skills to connect mathematics with religious subjects, namely algebra and inheritance (faraidh). The purpose of this study was to determine students' mathematical connection abilities. The method of research used is qualitative with descriptive analysis method. The research subjects were students of class IX-E MTS. At-Taufiq numbered 31 people. The data collection technique used a mathematical connection ability test followed by interviews with selected student representatives for each category. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Based on the results of the mathematical connection ability test, the results obtained were 29% (9 students) in the good category, 55% (17 students) in the moderate category, and 16% (5 students) in the low category. The results of the study show that the major students have moderate category connection abilities

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How to Cite

Esa Nugraha, R., Puspitasari, N., & Sri Sumartini, T. . (2023). THE USE OF MAWARIS-BASED CALCULATORS ON STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL CONNECTION ABILITY IN BOARDING SCHOOLS. Jurnal Padegogik, 6(2), 109-118.