
  • Hesti Wahyuni STIKES Jendral Achmad Yani
  • Setyawati Setyawati STIKES Jendral Achmad Yani
  • Iin Inayah STIKES Jendral Achmad Yani



Anak, Nyeri, Penyuntikan anestesi sirkumsisi, Slow deep breathing



Pendahuluan: Sirkumsisi merupakan tindakan yang memerlukan persiapan, salah satunya tindakan anestesi. Selama sirkumsisi, rasa nyeri akan dirasakan hanya pada saat penyuntikan anestesi. Perawat sering kesulitan melakukan prosedur penyuntikan anestesi sirkumsisi karena anak sering menolak dilakukan tindakan keperawatan yang akan menimbulkan rasa nyeri. Salah satu manajemen non farmakologi untuk menurunkan nyeri pada anak adalah terapi slow deep breathing sambil bermain meniup baling-baling. Tujuan: mengidentifikasi pengaruh terapi slow deep breathing dengan bermain meniup baling-baling terhadap intensitas nyeri pada anak yang dilakukan penyuntikan anestesi sirkumsisi. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan quasi eksperimental dengan control group post test. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh anak yang dilakukan penyuntikan anestesi sirkumsisi di Klinik Khitan Kencana Medika. Sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 36 anak, 18 anak kelompok intervensi dan 18 anak kelompok kontrol. Respon nyeri diukur menggunakan Faces Pain Rating Scale. Hasil: penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney menunjukkan  ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok intervensi dan kontrol dengan p-value < 0,001 dan nilai signifikansi alpha £ 0,05. Kesimpulan penelitian ada pengaruh terapi slow deep breathing dengan bermain meniup baling-baling terhadap intensitas nyeri pada anak yang dilakukan penyuntikan anestesi sirkumsisi.


Kata kunci: anak, nyeri, penyuntikan anestesi sirkumsisi, slow deep breathing



Introduction: Circumcision is treatment which needed preparation, one of them is anesthesia treatment. As long as circumcision treatment, pain will be feel only at the time anesthesia circumcision injection. Nurses often have difficult to make action procedure of anesthesia circumcision injection because children often refuse to procedures which will occurs pain feeling. One of non pharmacology managements to reduce pain on children by giving children breath is playing with a blow vane. Objective: The purpose of study to identify the effect of slow deep breathing therapy by playing with a blow vane to pain intensity on children with anesthesia circumcision injection. Methods: This study used a quasi experimental design by control group post test. Populations were all children who had been performed anesthesia circumcision injection in Kencana Medika Circumcision Clinic. Used 36 samples consist of 18 samples were in intervention and control group. Pain response was measured by Faces Pain Rating Scale. Result: The results were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney showed there are significant differencebetweenthe interventionandcontrolgroups with ap-value of0.000 and α £ 0.05. The conclusioniseffect of slow deep breathing theraphy by playing with a blow vane to pain intensity on children with anesthesia circumcision injection.

Keywords: anesthesia circumcision injection, children, pain, slow deep breathing


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How to Cite

Wahyuni, H., Setyawati, S., & Inayah, I. (2015). TERAPI SLOW DEEP BREATHING DENGAN BERMAIN MENIUP BALING-BALING TERHADAP INTENSITAS NYERI PADA ANAK YANG DILAKUKAN PENYUNTIKAN ANESTESI SIRKUMSISI. Jurnal Skolastik Keperawatan, 1(2), 36-43. https://doi.org/10.35974/jsk.v1i2.84



Pediatric & Obstetric