Sentiment Analysis of 2018 West Java Governor Election in Twitter Application Using the Naïve Bayesian Classification Method


  • Yusran Tarihoran Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Advent Indonesia
  • Kevin Jeremy Manurip Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Advent Indonesia


Sentiment Analysis, Candidate of West Java Governor, Ridwan Kamil, naïve bayesian classification


Elections  on  West  Java  Governor  2018  are  busy  discussed  in  the  real  world  and cyberspace, especially in social media Twitter. Everyone is free to argue about the candidate of West Java Governor 2018 that raises many opinions, not only positive or neutral opinion, but also negative opinion. Nowadays, social media especially Twitter is one of the place to  promote  or  to  campaign effectively  and efficiently  to  increase supporters interest. In this case researchers will conduct research on one of the public figures who run for governor  elections  West Java. The research method used in this research is the Naïve Bayesian Classifer Classification algorithm. The data used is an Indonesian tweet with the keyword Ridwan Kamil (#RidwanKamil) as much as 1031 data tweet every day starting from January 15, 2018 to April 15, 2018. Results from the classification using the Naïve Bayesian Classifier algorithm obtained 690 number of tweets or 67% all data tweets that  support  Mr.  Ridwan Kamil or are positive especially on the work program  that will be done and this provides a probability statistics of 73.13% accuracy level Correctly Classified Instances.

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How to Cite

Tarihoran, Y., & Manurip, K. J. (2018). Sentiment Analysis of 2018 West Java Governor Election in Twitter Application Using the Naïve Bayesian Classification Method. TeIKa, 8(1), 99-105.

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