Effectiveness of Boiled Cherry Leaf (muntingia calabura L) and Figs Leaves (Ficus Carica) Toward SGOT SGPT Serum of Male Wistar Strain Rats with Acute Hepatitis Models


  • Merza Rivano Lalihatu Universitas Advent Indonesia
  • Untung Sudharmono Universitas Advent Indonesia



Paracetamol, SGOT, SGPT, Cherry Leaves (muntingia calabura L), Tin Leave (Ficus Carica)


Hepatitis is inflammation of liver cells. There are two contributing factors: infectious factors and non-infectious factors. Factors causing infection include hepatitis viruses and bacteria. Non-infectious factors for example of drugs usage. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of boiled cherry leaves (muntingia calabura L) and Figs leaves (Ficus Carica) to reduce SGOT SGPT levels. The objects in this study were 30 male Wistar strain rats aged 2-3 months with a weight of 180-200 grams. Rats were divided into 3 groups randomly: negative control group, positive control group and treatment group. The positive treatment and control group was induced paracetamol 120 mg / day orally for 7 days. 0.4 grams of Figs leaves (Ficus Carica) and 5 grams of Cherry leaves (muntingia calabura L) is boiled in 200 cc of water to 100 cc of water given as much as 3.6cc orally for 7 days in the treatment group. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 24, ANOVA test was performed to compare SGOT SGPT levels. The results showed there were significant differences in SGPT SGPT levels between the treatment and positive control groups (p <0.05). In conclusion, the boiled water of Figs leaves (Ficus Carica) and cherry leaves (muntingia calabura L) have an effect in decreasing SGOT SGPT serum in male wistar strain rats with acute hepatitis model

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How to Cite

Lalihatu, M. R., & Sudharmono, U. (2019). Effectiveness of Boiled Cherry Leaf (muntingia calabura L) and Figs Leaves (Ficus Carica) Toward SGOT SGPT Serum of Male Wistar Strain Rats with Acute Hepatitis Models. 11th International Scholars Conference, 7(1), 716-726. https://doi.org/10.35974/isc.v7i1.2076

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