The Effectiveness of Boiled Rosy Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) in Decreasing SGOT and SGPT Value of Male Wistar Strain Rats with Acute Hepatitis Model


  • Rutdiana Zai Universitas Advent Indonesia
  • Untung Sudharmono Universitas Advent Indonesia


Paracetamol, SGOT, SGPT, Catharanthus roseus


Acute hepatitis is a disease that attacks the liver and causes inflammation in the liver cells which is characterized by swelling, damage, death, and even disruption of liver function, so that it can result in increased values of Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Oxaloactic Transaminase (SGOT) and Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT). This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Rosy Periwinkle  (Catharanthus roseus) on decreasing SGOT and SGPT level. The object of this research is 30 male Wistar strain rats aged 2-3 months with a weight of 180-200 grams which were adapted for 7 days. The object of this study was divided into 3 groups, namely the treatment group, the positive control group and the negative control group. The treatment group and positive control group were induced Paracetamol 120 mg / day orally for 7 days. 5.2 grams of boiled Rosy Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) as much as 3.6 cc orally for 7 days was given to the treatment group. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 24, One Way ANOVA test to compare SGOT and SGPT values. The results of this study found that there were a significant difference in the SGOT value between the treatment group, the positive control group and the negative control group (p <0.05) and there were significant differences in the SGPT value between the treatment group and the positive control group (p <0.05) . The conclusion of this study is that the boiled Rosy Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) has an effect on the decrease in SGOT and SGPT values in male wistar strain Rats with acute hepatitis model.

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How to Cite

Zai, R., & Sudharmono, U. (2019). The Effectiveness of Boiled Rosy Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) in Decreasing SGOT and SGPT Value of Male Wistar Strain Rats with Acute Hepatitis Model. 11th International Scholars Conference, 7(1), 780-791.

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