Effectiveness of Boiled Rosy Periwinkle (Catharantus roseus), Cherry (Muntingia calabura L.), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), and Figs (Ficus carica) Toward the reduction of SGOT and SGPT serum in male Wistar strain rats with acute hepatitis model


  • Desi Saputri Manurung Universitas Advent Indonesia
  • Untung Sudharmono Universitas Advent Indonesia



Paracetamol, SGOT, SGPT, Catharantus roseus, Muntingia calabura L., Symphytum officinale, Ficus carica


Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by viruses, alcohol and drugs or other pathogens. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of rosy periwinkle (Catharantus roseus), cherry (Muntingia calabura L.), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), and figs (Ficus carica) toward decreasing serum levels of SGOT and SGPT. The object of this study were 30 male Wistar strain rats aged 2-3 months with a weight of 180-200 grams which were adapted for 7 days. The rats then divided into 3 groups, namely the positive control group, the negative control group, and the treatment group. After 7 days of the adaptation process, the liver of the treatment group and the positive control group was induced Paracetamol 120 mg / day orally for 7 days. Boiled water therapy of 3.5 grams of Rosy Periwinkle (Catharantus roseus), 3.5 grams of cherry (Muntingia calabura L.), half a sheet of comfrey (Symphytum officinale), and 0.3 gram of figs (Ficus carica) was given to the treatment group during the treatment group in 7 days as much as 3.6 cc / orally per day. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 24, One Way ANOVA test to compare SGOT SGPT levels. The results showed a significant difference in SGOT levels between the treatment group, positive control group, and negative control group (p <0.05) and there were significant differences in SGPT levels between the treatment group and positive control group (p <0.05) . The conclusion of this study is the mixed boiled water of Rosy Periwinkle (Catharantus roseus), Cherry (Muntingia calabura L.), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), and Figs (Ficus carica) have an effect on decreasing SGOT SGPT serum in male wistar rats with acute hepatitis model.

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Author Biography

Desi Saputri Manurung, Universitas Advent Indonesia

Student Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Advent Indonesia


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How to Cite

Manurung, D. S., & Sudharmono, U. (2019). Effectiveness of Boiled Rosy Periwinkle (Catharantus roseus), Cherry (Muntingia calabura L.), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), and Figs (Ficus carica) Toward the reduction of SGOT and SGPT serum in male Wistar strain rats with acute hepatitis model. 11th International Scholars Conference, 7(1), 814-825. https://doi.org/10.35974/isc.v7i1.2086

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